PA and sound systems

For all sound system needs, CP Centro Pilota uses high quality equipment from reliable known brands, such as Shure, Sennheiser, Mackie, Roland, Crown, Yamaha. The equipment, coupled with the expertise of its technicians, enables CP Centro Pilota to fulfill the most diverse needs of almost any event or conference. From amplifying a hotel hall to a historic site, each sound system is installed to fulfill the client’s requests in function to the venue’s needs in a clean and compact fashion.
CP Centro Pilota’s aim is to install the appropriate PA and sound system that will ensure maximum performance and reliability.

Audio-visual solutions for conferences and events


Via Giovanni Giolitti, 210 - 00185 Rome - Italy

Phone: + 39 06 7027270

Fax: +39 06 70303608

Conference venues

We have been offering audio-visual solutions for events and conferences in Rome for over 45 years. We have familiarity with over 90 conference venues and event locations in Rome. Here are a few…

We offer

  • Professionalism at all levels ( UNI EN ISO 9001 : 2015)

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Flexibility
  • Project Manager for each event
  • English-speaking personnel & quotes drafted in English
  • No hidden costs
  • Best Practices for green meetings
  • “CP Code of Conduct” in all stages of the event
  • Experience and expertise
  • Correctness
  • Familiarity with over 90 conference venues in Rome

Client comments

Many thanks for your assistance on getting this event up and running so quickly and successfully. Knowing you had everything in hand over there allowed me to concentrate on the technology at the Sydney end. Your responsiveness, professionalism, and technical expertise contributed greatly to the success of the VC over the 4 days. Thanks to all your staff for being available for the multiple rounds of testing at all hours of the day and night. I will most definitely keep your details on record should I need to avail myself of VC or A/V in Rome again, and I won’t hesitate to recommend you to any others seeking the same services.
Desideriamo innanzi tutto ringraziarvi per aver ancora una volta contribuito all’esito positivo dell’evento [——-] della scorsa settimana. Il Cliente è rimasto molto soddisfatto e noi di conseguenza! Un ringraziamento particolare va ad Eric, che con pazienza e professionalità ci ha seguiti sin dai primi step, e ai tecnici Gavino e Fabio che ci hanno supportato durante i lavori.
Desidero formularle i miei ringraziamenti per l’ottima prestazione fornitaci in occasione dell’evento del 21 Marzo all’hotel Excelsior di Roma. Sia per l’aspetto audio-video sia per l’aspetto interpretariato abbiamo avuto occasione di esserci incontrati con professionisti di alto livello che hanno saputo fornire performance di indubbia qualità.
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Roma e Lazio Conference BureauMPI MemberFeder CongressiConfcommercio RomaAcquisti in rete PA